Des trucs pour économiser le carburant en voyageant à VR

From simple maintenance to driving habits, these tips for improving your RV’s fuel economy will save money on your next adventure! 

Check Your Tire Pressure

Properly inflated tires can save you up to 3% in fuel economy, not to mention keep you safer on the road.

Keep Your Air Filter Clean

Did you know that a clean air filter in your RV or tow vehicle can improve fuel economy by up to 10%? Air flow directly affects your engine’s efficiency.

Your Speed Matters

Slow down, enjoy the sites, and improve your fuel economy! Excessive speeding will burn through fuel at a much higher rate.

Cruise Along

RVs use the most energy when accelerating, so save on fuel by using cruise control on the highway to maintain a constant speed. When not on cruise, be sure to accelerate and brake gently and gradually.

Travel Light

Fuel economy decreases as you add weight to your RV, so travel light by packing only the essentials.

Keep up with Regular Maintenance

Performing regular maintenance on your motorhome or tow vehicle ensures your engine will be performing at its peak efficiency. 

Find the best price

With rising fuel prices, it can end up being the largest expense on your RV trip. Apps like GasBuddy can help you find the best prices on the road.

Are fuel prices putting a damper on your RV road trip plans? Let us know if you try any of these tips, you can find us on TwitterFacebook or Instagram.  

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